1:03 a.m. As I write this Blog I am trying to contain my emotions because I almost feel like I am in some sort of ‘Twilight Zone’. You see, during the last few months I’ve been faced with a lot of instances where my “religious beliefs” have been questioned and at times even judged. I’ve seen the issue of religion pop up throughout the years in my life and it’s become undoubtedly lucid that part of my process in this lifetime deals with this (at times, controversial) matter.
For those of you reading this Blog who may not know me on a personal level I will give you an idea of where I stand or shall I say, how I look at religion…I was raised Roman Catholic and continue to be extremely grateful for the many things I learned through the church (Love, Community Service, Importance of Family, Compassion, etc.) Throughout the years my religious philosophy has been altered (and this is something I am extremely passionate about). I believe that whether you pray to Jesus, Mary, Buddha, Moses, Allah, etc. it all ultimately leads to the same source. GOD. I see it as just taking parallel routes to get to the same destination. Although the scenery may be different in each route, they are all beautiful in their own way. I believe that it is valuable (if not, necessary) for us to be educated on all faiths and practices in order to further advance our own spiritual development. I hold that by studying faiths outside the one we may already know about we become able to answer questions, rid ourselves of prejudices, clear up misconceptions, and more importantly, break down barriers among one another. Think about it… HOW MANY wars have been fought in the name of religion??? And for what? If there is one thing I know (and feel free to disagree) is that God does not want us to kill one another but rather LOVE and help each other. As Dr. Brian Weiss, M.D. notes, “God’s name, perhaps the ultimate symbol of peace, love and compassion, has been invoked to wage countless wars, murders, and genocide” (p.235).
One of the reasons,

I was finishing reading, Messages from the Masters: Tapping Into the Power of Love by Dr. Brian Weiss M.D., when I came upon Chapter 15 in his book titled ‘God and Religion’. (Mind you, I tend to read books very quickly and for ‘some’ reason I took longer than expected but instead of finishing it last night like I had intended, I finished it just now) In this chapter, I was almost brought to tears because although I’ve read two of his other books (Many Lives, Many Masters and Only Love is Real) this was the first time Dr. Weiss actually addressed religion. As I read I grew increasingly emotional because EVERYTHING I’ve been trying to explain to those who question my “lack of religious affiliation” was laid out right in front of me. I mean WORD FOR WORD (If interested you may refer to p.233-250). It was so relieving and refreshing to read someone’s words expressing what I feel so profoundly. Although reading this wasn’t necessary for my process, it certainly brought me joy to see that someone else is on the same page, a world-renowned professional at that. I almost felt as though I already knew what line would follow, as if this chapter was simply a carbon copy of my personal journal.
The main line that spoke to my soul was: “There is only one religion and that is love.” (p.233)
Personally, I’ve encountered situations where I found myself having to decide whether or not I would compromise my “Love is My Religion” for the sake of others. It was as if the lack of “label” was unnerving to some because it could imply that I’m not on a definite path. That since I do not claim ONE single religion as my “end-all-be-all” I may lack structure and to a certain degree, desire.
Although it hasn't been easy to hold my ground and stand up for what I feel so passionately about, I've always known deep in my heart that I HAVE to be true to myself; the essence of Ibis. Also, along this path of self discovery, I have been shocked to find that some of the most “spiritual” people can be, at times, some of the most judgmental persons and they, too, encourage sepratation (even if not in blatant terms... Meaning, it doesn't have to be what they say but rather how they act, or vice versa) Some may or may not be conscious of their judgments but it doesn't make it any less real or pertinent. (Remember, just because someone preaches how religious or spiritual they are doesn't mean they have the right consciousness). It becomes about US and THEM. Clearly, in public, everyone talks about how welcoming and open we are to those who are different but this isn’t always the case behind close doors (and if this offends you, I’d advise you to ask yourself why?) It’s as if at the end of the day, if you’re not one of US we can be “friendly” and pseudo-listen to each other’s standpoints but it ends there. A huge line is drawn across the sand. Now I ask you, does this equal TRUE openness? I am sure we can all come up with reasons why we’ve come to rationalize why things are the way they are but let’s look beyond that…. Why are we SO afraid to unite as ONE and work towards a common purpose? Why does it have to be about Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, etc? Why can’t we look beyond all these lables and instead of criticizing one another actually teach each other?
Think about this:
Catholics believe that Jesus died on the cross, resurrected and will come again to bring us all to eternal life… On the other hand, Jews view Jesus as a prophet and do not believe he was the Messiah per se, and thus are waiting for the Messiah to come. Ok, sooooo aren’t both waiting for someone? And do you really think when this “person” (I use this word as a means to explain the point but “person” doesn’t begin to explain what I actually believe this force will be like) comes back it is going to matter WHAT NAME you use or what faith you associate it all with? When the Messiah (whether it’s Jesus or another one of God’s agents) comes bac
k I doubt these details will matter. All that will matter is LOVE. Did you love? (Yourself and Others) Did you share? Were you kind? Did you evolve? ETC… ( I could go on regarding what’s truly important but I think you get the picture)
“Only by letting go of our fears, by seeing those people of other religions as our equals, as fellow souls on the road to heaven, can we be truly loving, in an unconditional sense. We are all the same; we are all rowing the same boat” (P.236).
I, for one, feel such immense gratitude at this moment because through various experiences I have been confirmed that I am on the right path. Whether I am deeply consumed with studying Buddhism, Taoism, Catholicism, Kabbalah, Christianity, etc, I am on a perfect path. Someday, I hope to become the type of teacher that can relate messages from varying faiths to an individual without any division. That whomever I speak to is not held back by prejudice and refuse an ideology because it may differ from something they were previou
“Only by letting go of our fears, by seeing those people of other religions as our equals, as fellow souls on the road to heaven, can we be truly loving, in an unconditional sense. We are all the same; we are all rowing the same boat” (P.236).
I, for one, feel such immense gratitude at this moment because through various experiences I have been confirmed that I am on the right path. Whether I am deeply consumed with studying Buddhism, Taoism, Catholicism, Kabbalah, Christianity, etc, I am on a perfect path. Someday, I hope to become the type of teacher that can relate messages from varying faiths to an individual without any division. That whomever I speak to is not held back by prejudice and refuse an ideology because it may differ from something they were previou

sly taught in their primary religion. I hope that those I help look past a label and see the essence; the mess
“God’s light does not discriminate, and neither should ours. There is not one path, one way, one church, one ideology. There is only one light. When the fences come down, all the flowers can bloom together in a garden of unparalleled magnificence, an Eden on earth” (p.238).
“God’s light does not discriminate, and neither should ours. There is not one path, one way, one church, one ideology. There is only one light. When the fences come down, all the flowers can bloom together in a garden of unparalleled magnificence, an Eden on earth” (p.238).
Sidenote: I understand you may disagree with some of this or maybe even all of it but I urge you to open your heart up and just consider what I've discussed. Whether you like or dislike/approve or dissaprove of Dr. Weiss' work isn't really relevant here because I'm merely quoting him out of respect. Had I not read his book I'd be writing pretty much what he wrote (in my own words) minus the quotation marks, etc.... (in case you were sitting there thinking that I am using his work as like an "all-knowing" source.... Nope, not even a little!)
Now, I can go to sleep peacefully. I would like to go into further detail regarding this matter but I am quite tired at the moment. I will certainly come back to it.
Namaste my friends. May your path be lit with LOVE and PEACE. Until we meet again…
Faith, Hope, & Love,
Ibis (2:31 a.m.)
ABOUT Dr. Brian Weiss, M.D.:
*As a traditional psychotherapist, Dr. Brian Weiss was astonished and skeptical when one of his patients began recalling past-life traumas that seemed to hold the key to her recurring nightmares and anxiety attacks. His skepticism was eroded, however, when she began to channel messages from "the space between lives," which contained remarkable revelations about Dr. Weiss's family and his dead son. Using past-life therapy, he was able to cure the patient and embark on a new, more meaningful phase of his own career.
A graduate of Columbia University and Yale Medical School, Brian L. Weiss M.D. is Chairman Emeritus of Psychiatry at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami.
Dr. Weiss maintains a private practice in Miami. In addition, Dr. Weiss conducts national and international seminars and experiential workshops as well as training programs for professionals.
*Source of information: www.brianweiss.com
Next Book I'm reading: 'Becoming Like God' by Michael Berg & Kabbalistic Astrology: And the Meaning of Our Lives by Kabbalist P. S. Berg
Song: (just wanted to note how ironic it is that one of my song choices last week was 'Love is my religion' by Ziggy Marley... and it was 100% not planned with this Blog)
1 comment:
Every time I read one of your blogs, I come away with the feeling like, "Wow, I needed to hear (read) that". And I don't believe for a minute that it's pure coincidence.
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