First things first, for those of you who may not have heard of BASE jumping I shall help explain. On the website, http://adventure.howstuffworks.com/base-jumping.htm, I found a rather accurate description of the sport. It says, “for BASE jumpers, leaping out of a plane at 15,000 feet and freefalling at well over 100 mph isn't quite daring enough. To make things more interesting, they jump off various cliffs and man-made objects, usually at a low altitude with only a few seconds to deploy the parachute, and virtually no time at all to deal with problems or malfunctions.” Metaphorically speaking, I am using BASE jumping as a vehicle for “Letting Go and Experiencing Life”. I think most of us have been in a situation where we get that adrenaline rush and have to make a quick decision right then and there. Now, let’s think… What is the main thing that keeps us from taking the plunge, per se? Many, myself included, believe it’s FEAR. Fear of the unknown. Fear of the outcome/results. “What if’s” become so powerful that they can paralyze anyone. Additionally, our inability to let go may also touches deeply on our fixation on having a sense of control.
Let me preface all of this by noting that this ability to “let go” can be applied to all aspects of your life (i.e. past experiences and/or traumas, relationships, jobs, challenges, etc.). As my mom often reminds me in Spanish, “La Ley del Desapego” translates into “The Law of Detachment” when applied not only frees one of this fear and control issue but also, gives God (aka, the Light, Universe, Higher Force, etc.) an opportunity to come into the picture and make things happen for you. What do I mean by that exactly? Well, when we are so obsessed with controlling the outcome of a situation (like getting a specific promotion at our job) we are limiting ourselves in the grand scheme of things. Specifically, if our particular request isn’t beneficial in the long run. As physical beings on this planet it can be difficult to see the bigger pictures sometimes when we are smack in the middle of it all.
Which leads me to what I’ve recently been figuring out and implementing into my personal experiences in search of balance.
Balance between applying the currently popular, “Law of Attraction” and “Letting Go” trusting that the Universe will lead me in the perfect direction.
Truthfully, I believe in the power of visualization and meditation. I have put into practice many of the exercises discussed in “New Age” movements in regards to improving your life by changing the way you think and feel and have to HONESTLY tell you that my life has transformed. (ß I know that this just sounded very Richard Simmons of me but I promised myself this blog would be a true testament to my experience). By applying this Law of Attraction I have manifested (and by “I”, I always mean with the help of the Light because I don’t pretend to have accomplished all of this alone) such incredible things in my life that it would take me hours to jot them all down. I’ve accomplished things I once thought were impossible (i.e. Backpacking throughout Europe on my own with no plans). I’ve attracted people into my life that have either led me in the exact direction I needed to go or just became catalysts for advancing me into the next step of personal evolution.
Paradoxically, I currently find myself wondering when the Law of Attraction should take the passenger’s seat and allow the “Law of Detachment” to take over. Or does it have to be either or? Can both of these, in proper balance, work together towards the same goal. Essentially, what I mean is… can you use your mind’s power to visualize what it is you want but ultimately release control onto the Universe and let it manifest as it should. Ideally, our expectations become…. “I want what the Universe thinks I need at this particular moment and trust that this is perfect for me”.
On the other hand, I also see using the idea of “God will take care of it” as a crutch for not taking action and putting in our part. What do I mean by this? God works in mysterious ways (as we’ve all heard) and I strongly believe that he will present certain situations/pe
ople/opportunities for you (in order to help you) and it is YOUR responsibility to run with it. Meaning, God can plant in immense, life-changing opportunity in front of you but it is YOUR (thanks to FREE WILL) choice whether or not you will take him up on it or not. Not to be dramatic here but this is where I do believe some people find themselves saying things like, “Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda” but the truth is “You Didn’t” and nobody is to blame (especially, not God). Personally, this is where I feel we need not be so afraid to take a chance. TO LIVE. Here, is our opportunity for us to break free of that paralyzing fear of the “what if”. In the end, I live my life in a constant pursuit of balance because I hold that nothing extreme is ultimately what God truly wanted for us…. Otherwise, the concept of evolution would never even exist (as applied in every sense of the word “evolution”).
I think what I am trying to convey is best explained with the following story:
A man has been notified that his house is going to be flooded and he needs to get out of the house as soon as possible. He says no I don't have to, God is going to take care of me. Then the flood starts to rise and a sheriff comes along and tells him to get out of the house because the water is rising. The man says no, God is going to save me. So, the floods continue to rise, and he climbs on top of the house. A boat comes along and he's told to climb into the boat. He says, no, no , God is going to save me. Finally, a helicopter comes along and they lower the net to rescue him. The man says, no, no, God is going to save me! Well, the man drowns and goes to heaven. When he gets to heaven he says to God, "why didn't you save me?"
God says, "I sent the sheriff, I sent a boat, I sent a helicopter, what more did you want me to do?"
Catch my drift? More or less what I am trying to say is that the more I meditate and ask the Universe for answers I’m reminded that there is absolutely nothing wrong with using the power we’ve been given in order to create our reality. In contrast, it is our gift and it’s up to us whether or not we would like to receive it. Now, with that said, it is also important to open our eyes and ears to the messages we are being sent on a constant basis. When we listen and open our eyes, we will be better equipped to make the best decisions that will provide the perfect results for us. Ultimately, it is our call whether or not we are going to allow room for a Higher Source to come in and help guide us in the right direction. It is truly up to us whether we relinquish ultimate control and open ourselves up to varying results or whether we want to hang on for dear life because we are unable to free ourselves.
How willing are we to say, “Ok, (insert personal situation here) is what I desire and (insert personal process here) is how I see it manifesting but I allow and trust God to steer my life as he sees fit. I choose to take an active role to carry out His plan for me instead of laying around letting life just pass me by. Everything in my present is perfect and I let go of any fears that may arise in the process because God’s taking care of me” (haha, this is how I actually think inside my head so bare with me).
Which leads me to our opening…. BASE Jumping…. Personally, I am an adrenaline lover and one day hope to actually go BASE jumping so it really resonates with me. However, if this is too extreme for you feel free to replace it with whatever you’d like that holds the same principles.
Now, I ask you, “Are you willing to let go and start experiencing this beautiful life or are you going to sit by the sidelines and watch as it passes you by?” You decide!
Until next time! I wish you all the Peace, Love, & Happiness this world has to offer!
Faith, Hope, & Love,
P.S. I’ve decided to start including book/song/author suggestions in my Blogs in case you are interested…It may also give you insight of where I am coming from. Also, I know these Blogs could dig MUCH deeper but I want to leave material for the book I’m currently working on. It will take some time before I set out to get it published since a lot of research will go into it but these Blogs touch on the su
bject matters, for now. Which reminds me…. thank you for the messages many of you have been sending me with feedback. It truly means a lot to me and is helping me in my journey!
Recent Books I’ve Read and Recommend:
1. Change Your Thoughts. Change Your Life: Living the Wisdom of the Tao by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
2. God Wears Lipstick by Karen Berg
3. Many Lives, Many Masters by Dr. Brian Weiss, M.D.
4. Only Love is Real by Dr. Brian Weiss, M.D.
5. The Spiritual Rules of Engagement by Yehuda Berg
Let me preface all of this by noting that this ability to “let go” can be applied to all aspects of your life (i.e. past experiences and/or traumas, relationships, jobs, challenges, etc.). As my mom often reminds me in Spanish, “La Ley del Desapego” translates into “The Law of Detachment” when applied not only frees one of this fear and control issue but also, gives God (aka, the Light, Universe, Higher Force, etc.) an opportunity to come into the picture and make things happen for you. What do I mean by that exactly? Well, when we are so obsessed with controlling the outcome of a situation (like getting a specific promotion at our job) we are limiting ourselves in the grand scheme of things. Specifically, if our particular request isn’t beneficial in the long run. As physical beings on this planet it can be difficult to see the bigger pictures sometimes when we are smack in the middle of it all.
Which leads me to what I’ve recently been figuring out and implementing into my personal experiences in search of balance.
Balance between applying the currently popular, “Law of Attraction” and “Letting Go” trusting that the Universe will lead me in the perfect direction.
Truthfully, I believe in the power of visualization and meditation. I have put into practice many of the exercises discussed in “New Age” movements in regards to improving your life by changing the way you think and feel and have to HONESTLY tell you that my life has transformed. (ß I know that this just sounded very Richard Simmons of me but I promised myself this blog would be a true testament to my experience). By applying this Law of Attraction I have manifested (and by “I”, I always mean with the help of the Light because I don’t pretend to have accomplished all of this alone) such incredible things in my life that it would take me hours to jot them all down. I’ve accomplished things I once thought were impossible (i.e. Backpacking throughout Europe on my own with no plans). I’ve attracted people into my life that have either led me in the exact direction I needed to go or just became catalysts for advancing me into the next step of personal evolution.
Paradoxically, I currently find myself wondering when the Law of Attraction should take the passenger’s seat and allow the “Law of Detachment” to take over. Or does it have to be either or? Can both of these, in proper balance, work together towards the same goal. Essentially, what I mean is… can you use your mind’s power to visualize what it is you want but ultimately release control onto the Universe and let it manifest as it should. Ideally, our expectations become…. “I want what the Universe thinks I need at this particular moment and trust that this is perfect for me”.
On the other hand, I also see using the idea of “God will take care of it” as a crutch for not taking action and putting in our part. What do I mean by this? God works in mysterious ways (as we’ve all heard) and I strongly believe that he will present certain situations/pe

I think what I am trying to convey is best explained with the following story:
A man has been notified that his house is going to be flooded and he needs to get out of the house as soon as possible. He says no I don't have to, God is going to take care of me. Then the flood starts to rise and a sheriff comes along and tells him to get out of the house because the water is rising. The man says no, God is going to save me. So, the floods continue to rise, and he climbs on top of the house. A boat comes along and he's told to climb into the boat. He says, no, no , God is going to save me. Finally, a helicopter comes along and they lower the net to rescue him. The man says, no, no, God is going to save me! Well, the man drowns and goes to heaven. When he gets to heaven he says to God, "why didn't you save me?"
God says, "I sent the sheriff, I sent a boat, I sent a helicopter, what more did you want me to do?"
Catch my drift? More or less what I am trying to say is that the more I meditate and ask the Universe for answers I’m reminded that there is absolutely nothing wrong with using the power we’ve been given in order to create our reality. In contrast, it is our gift and it’s up to us whether or not we would like to receive it. Now, with that said, it is also important to open our eyes and ears to the messages we are being sent on a constant basis. When we listen and open our eyes, we will be better equipped to make the best decisions that will provide the perfect results for us. Ultimately, it is our call whether or not we are going to allow room for a Higher Source to come in and help guide us in the right direction. It is truly up to us whether we relinquish ultimate control and open ourselves up to varying results or whether we want to hang on for dear life because we are unable to free ourselves.
How willing are we to say, “Ok, (insert personal situation here) is what I desire and (insert personal process here) is how I see it manifesting but I allow and trust God to steer my life as he sees fit. I choose to take an active role to carry out His plan for me instead of laying around letting life just pass me by. Everything in my present is perfect and I let go of any fears that may arise in the process because God’s taking care of me” (haha, this is how I actually think inside my head so bare with me).
Which leads me to our opening…. BASE Jumping…. Personally, I am an adrenaline lover and one day hope to actually go BASE jumping so it really resonates with me. However, if this is too extreme for you feel free to replace it with whatever you’d like that holds the same principles.
Now, I ask you, “Are you willing to let go and start experiencing this beautiful life or are you going to sit by the sidelines and watch as it passes you by?” You decide!
Until next time! I wish you all the Peace, Love, & Happiness this world has to offer!
Faith, Hope, & Love,
P.S. I’ve decided to start including book/song/author suggestions in my Blogs in case you are interested…It may also give you insight of where I am coming from. Also, I know these Blogs could dig MUCH deeper but I want to leave material for the book I’m currently working on. It will take some time before I set out to get it published since a lot of research will go into it but these Blogs touch on the su

Recent Books I’ve Read and Recommend:
1. Change Your Thoughts. Change Your Life: Living the Wisdom of the Tao by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
2. God Wears Lipstick by Karen Berg
3. Many Lives, Many Masters by Dr. Brian Weiss, M.D.
4. Only Love is Real by Dr. Brian Weiss, M.D.
5. The Spiritual Rules of Engagement by Yehuda Berg
BASE Jumping Picture credited to 123malaysia.blogspot.com
1 comment:
i honestly have to say that with everything going on in my life at the current moment, this blog was posted at the right time and really got me thinking. it was a great blog for me to read and its definitely let me realize alot that i'm gonna take action on. Thanks Ibis!
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